Saturday, November 5, 2016

Fallout 4 Intro Story - Did it Work?

The article below dives into the gameplay and 'realism' problems caused by the Fallout 4 back story. I had a very hard time accepting any character visual edits I made beyond the defaults choice of male or female, so the article resonates with me quite a bit. I just couldn't see adding any kind of blemish or crazy hairstyle; my character was supposed to be a normal suburban domesticated family man or woman.

To suddenly be a different person 200 years later after a cryo-nap just doesn't make sense. 'Hey, I know, let me fashion a meal from this giant mutated cockroach without even being a little freaked out.'

That said, it's still a very good game. The story is just sort of broken. Here's the article.

Friday, September 30, 2016

Computers of the Apocalypse

I came across this story on and found what has to be the coolest real-life visual for a post-apocalyptic computer ever:

As it happens, it's just a computer somehow still fulfilling its purpose at an auto shop in Poland. Still, this 'ancient' computer would make a great prop in just about any post-apocalyptic setting. I can certainly imagine stumbling into the ruins of an old diesel shop and finding this thing somehow still running, connected to some unknown power source, and holding some forgotten secrets of a forgotten era. 

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Best Bugout Vehicle Ever

A good friend of mine recently acquired a new zombie apocalypse vehicle, complete with a spare tire on the hood, no power steering, and layers upon layers of military issue green paint. What you see here is a 1991 British Army Land Rover. Other than the tires, it has all original equipment and only about 60,000 miles on it.

It has no electronic engine parts to speak of, so the impact of an EMP event is theoretically non-existent. It has no stereo and no GPS, so unless you bring your own GPS tracking device - err, cell phone, you've nothing to worry about in regards to signal emissions. Basically, it's the perfect vehicle for getting off the grid. In fact, the only real issue I see is that it's somewhat conspicuous in a world of of VW Beetles, Lexus SUV's, and all manner of soccer mom transports. Still, when the balloon goes up (as they say), it's a great vehicle for getting the heck out of Dodge (or suburbia).

Otherwise, all it's really missing is a world overrun by zombies.

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Gamma World!

I finally gave in and ordered a copy of Gamma World (3rd Edition) from Amazon. This is by far my favorite 'pen and paper' RPG. Mutations? Check. Lasers? Check. Post-apocalyptic struggle for survival? Check. In short, it has just about everything needed to make the post-apocalyptic reality of your choosing.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Fallout 4 Pic of the Week

Plans for a construction project, really? 
The Fallout developers certainly have a collective sense of humor. The latest installment in the Fallout franchise is riddled with teddy bears, curiously-positioned mannequins, and more obscure comedic references. I just found this funny because the guy is carrying on an otherwise-serious conversation while looking at engineering plans resembling a coloring book.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Doomsday Survival Series - City Living (Part Three)

(This is part three of three of Doomsday Survival Series - City Living.)


Yes, the third leg of this stool of survival is shelter.  As alluded to previously, plans to stay bound to your barely defensible suburban single family home (or worse, an apartment) aren't the best available. You don't want to be the guy that thought his 'castle' was really a castle. Plan on upgrading.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Doomsday Survival Series - City Living (Part Two)

(This is part two of three of  Doomsday Survival Series - City Living.)


Clean drinking water is no laughing matter.  In a harsh environment, you're unlikely to survive more than a few days without it.  Clean water in an urban environment will be worth more than all the gold buried in your backyard.  While yes, you can take your neighbors' water (see suggestions about tribute in Part 1), if you take too much they'll die and therefore stop contributing to your food supply.  You can otherwise use a variety of methods to get clean drinking water.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Doomsday Survival Series - City Living (Part One)

(This is part one of three of Doomsday Survival Series - City Living.)

Disclaimer - This strategy assumes your city wasn't completely decimated by nuclear explosion, zombie invasion, rise of the robot overlords, etc. and assumes your city is otherwise still habitable.

Let's face it.  Most of us won't be lucky enough on doomsday to live outside of a major population center (hence the phrase...major population center).  Indeed, most of us won't even have the luxury of living on the outskirts of major cities in carefully cultivated suburbs.  Alas, we're also not very likely to have the good fortune of knowing a close friend or relative just outside of town ready with gear and horses to assist in our escape.  Yes, it's true.  We'll need to know how to survive within the city least for awhile.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Doomsday Survival Series - Doomsday Parties!

Editor's Note: This was written a couple of years ago and inspired by one of the more dismal prepper strategies on the Doomsday Preppers show.

Maybe you don't feel like you quite have that survivalist mentality.  Maybe you're just not too keen on trying to survive in a nuclear wasteland (or its equivalent - a world without alcohol).  Whatever your reasons, the Doomsday Party 'survival' strategy may be just the strategy you've been searching for.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Welcome Doomsday Seekers!

Why do modern cultures have such a strong love affair with doomsday predictions?

Whether it's Mayan calendars, zombies, or robot overlords, we can't seem to let go of an intense fascination with the end of the world.